Deputatul PDL Bogdan Cantaragiu s-a prezentat miercuri la Directia Nationala Anticoruptie (DNA), unde a fost citat de procurori pentru a fi audiat in dosarul de coruptie al lui Dan Pasat, potrivit unor surse judiciare citate de Agerpres ...
All of the college coaches are on vacation. Nearly all of the signing is over, except for Brown and Charles and a few other stragglers. In fact, recruiters are more interested in the class of 2010, this year's juniors. ...
Male; 35-45 years old; Vocational Diploma, Short Course Certificate; With at least two years work experience as chief pastry from reputable hotels or cruise ships. Knowledgeable in international cuisine; Can manage a large number of kitchen staffs ....PASAT D.O.O.. Obala Hrvatsk Mornarice 1 P. O. Box 142, 22000. Sibenik, Croatia. Tel. No.: 385-(0)22 213 750. Hong Kong Branch: Hong Kong Magsaysay (HK) Ltd. 21st Floor, Fairmont House 8 Cotton Tree Drive. Central Hong Kong ...